
Sample Reports

Zooma / Sample Reports

Breaking It Down

What Is Your Report Trying To Tell You?

Keyword Rankings

This table tracks your keyword rankings month over month, and is your primary tool to determine how your SEO campaign is doing! The first column represents your selected keywords. The following columns represent the position your domain appears on search result pages when someone searches the associated keyphrase. 1-10 is page one, 11-20 is page 2, and so on and so forth.

Hint: Is a keyword not moving or moving in the wrong direction?Use this to determine what keyphrases you should focus on in the coming 30 days!

Organic Ranking History

This is the visual representation of your keyword ranking history. It offers valuable insight into the overall trends of not only your keyword rankings, but essentially the overall value of your SEO campaign work.

Domain Strength


This table essentially quantifies how Google sees your site and there are a few key numbers to pay attention to:

  1. Domain Authority -That’s how strongly Google views your over all domain — the higher the number, the better!
  2. Page Authority – That’s how strongly Google views the particular page that was queried — again, the higher the better!
  3. Spam – That scores how likely it is that you’ll solicit a manual or algorithmic penalty from Google. What does that mean? If you’re penalized by Google, it means they don’t think your site is a valuable resource and your site won’t rank! The lower the number, the better on this score.

Site Speed

These scores tell you how fast your domain is running for both desktop and mobil users. This is important because page speed is not only a secondary ranking factor, but having a slow load time can also kill user conversion! If they can’t get to your site quickly, users will likely just look else where.

The higher the score, the better!

Alexa Ranking

This score ranks you against all of the other domains in existence (or at least, in their index). Think of it as a class rank. The closer you are to number 1, the better!

SEO Checklist

This is a list of tasks created by our propriety software and finalized by our team of experts that itemizes exactly what you should focus on when it comes to optimizing your site around your selected keywords. It’s split into the three major facets of SEO; task for Content, tasks for Code, and tasks or Backlinks.

Check all your boxes?


Total Traffic

This report gives users insight into how many people are actually visiting their domain, and there are a few key traffic indicators to pay attention to:

  • Session – the total number of times all users visit the site
  • Users – the number of unique users that visit the site
  • Page views – the total number of all pages viewed during the month
  • Pages/Session – the average number of pages a user viewed while looking at the site
  • Average Session Duration – the average amount of time a user spent on the site
  • Bounce Rate – the percentage of people who only visit one page on the site and then leave the domain
  • Percent of New Session – the number of new unique users compared to the total number of users

Top Landing Pages

This table outlines what specific pages are drawing your largest audiences in.Hint: these pages should be the most user-friendly and consider conversion best practices the most!

Acquisition Overview

These tables and charts outline exactly where your traffic is coming from:

  • Organic traffic – those who arrived at your site by searching your key phrases
  • Direct traffic – those who already knew your name or URL and landed on your site that way.
  • Referral traffic – those who found your name or services on another site like Yelp, Traveladvisor, or other similar directories
  • Social traffic – those who arrived at your site via one of your social media accounts

Geographical Location of Searches

This map outlines the geographical area that your domain’s visitors were located in when they landed on your site.

Hint: Some times out of state family members or friends will look for services or products for people they know in your target market. That can add a little variety to this map!